2015-08-17 10:15:08
In view of the rapid trend in population aging and exigency of long term care services development, the World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities has been held since 2002 in cities including Hong Kong (2002, 2011), Taipei (2004, 2009), Shanghai (2005, 2010), Macau (2006, 2013), Beijing (2007), Hangzhou (2012), and Ningpo (2014). With the attendance of more than 500 international experts in the related fields each year, the congress has successful established a platform for in-depth multidisciplinary discussion and communication.
The Twelfth World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities will be held on the 30th November ~ 2nd December, 2015. The theme of this year— “Holistic Health Care in Community"—expresses the vision of integrating existing and innovative to provide holistic care for elderly within their familiar community. Broad discussion, communication, and sharing of experience and knowledge among experts and frontline practitioners are anticipated.
主办单位Congress Host
Association of Long Term Care for Elderly in Chinese communities
承办单位Congress Organizer
The Catholic foundation of Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia
合办单位Joint organizers
天主教耕莘医院 Cardinal Tien Hospital
天主教永和耕莘医院 Yonghe Cardinal Tien Hospital
天主教长期照顾机构协会 Taiwan Catholic Long Term Care Institution Association
台湾长期照护专业协会 Taiwan Long Term Care Professional Association
协办单位 Co-organizers
中国老年学学会 Gerontological Society of China
上海市老年学学会 Gerontological Society of Shanghai
香港老年学会 Hong Kong Association of Gernotology
澳门镜湖护理学院 Kiang Wu Nursing College of Macau
天主教辅仁大学 Fu Jen Catholic University
台湾老年学暨老年医学学会 Taiwan Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics
台湾长期照顾发展协会全国联合会 The National Union of Long Term Care Development Association of Taiwan
耕莘健康管理专科学校 Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare and Management
会议日期 Date
2015年11月30日~12月2日(周一~周三)— 2天会议、1天参访
30th November ~ 2nd December, 2015 (Monday to Wednesday) [2-day seminar of keynote lectures, free papers presentations, and poster sessions; and 1-day long-term care facilities visit]
会议地点 Venue
Howard International House, TAIPEI, TAIWAN, R.O.C. http://intl-house.howard-hotels.com.tw/
会议主题 Conference topics
健康行为Healthy Behaviors
- 活跃老化Active Aging:
以提升长者「健康」、「安全」、「社会参与」(WHO, 2002)为目标,鼓励长者发挥专长,参与及贡献社会,藉此减低老年时期的心理压力及生理退化之影响,维持及促进健康,如长青学苑、世代融合、才艺表扬及传承、长者志工服务等。
- 自我管理Self Management:
- 正念减压Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction:
友善环境Supportive Environment
- 人力培训Training & Development:
- 家属支持Family Support:
- 友善环境Supportive Environment:
- 科技支持Technology Solutions: